
How To Check The Material Grade/ Impurities/ Quality etc. !!!

When it comes to predicting the durability or performance of a given material for use in a specific application, it’s crucial to evaluate chemical and physical properties as well as environmental compliance and quality control. At Kesaria Rubber we understand the real-world service-life and environmental challenges polymer materials face. Our experts can help you predict, manage and improve the performance of your polymer-based material or product whilst ensuring its safety and compliance. We provide independent rubber material analysis to clients operating in a wide range of industries.

We help clients understand, manage and improve the performance of their materials and products using a range of analytical techniques together with expert interpretation of results, guidance and advice. We go through a comprehensive range of chemistry, physical testing, and technical consulting stages to support the development of polymer based materials and end products. 

  • Chemical Characterization

When working with new compounds and sustainable, recyclate-based material formulations – gaining full confidence in their performance requires accurate assessment of not only physical and mechanical properties but also the identification and mitigation of any contaminants.

How we check the Material grade/Polymer Identification

Proper material selection is at the heart of any product or development project. Material characteristics and performance can determine the success or failure of the product and consistency of the rubber materials from lot to lot plays a significant role. Below are a few tests by which we can check the material/ identify the material and check the consistency of the quality of the rubber material. Following are the methods we use for chemical testing-

1.0 Chemical methods ( ASTM D 297 )

  1. Burning Test: The piece of sample is heated in a flame and the odor and the color of the flame is noted.
  2. Acid degradation test:
  • Action of 80% H2SO4 and heated slowly in the flame.  The change in sample condition is observed.
  • Action of Concentrated Nitric Acid:  A small piece of width approximately 2-3 mm is taken in the test tube containing 1-2 ml of concentrated HNO3 and heated slowly in the flame.  The change in sample condition is observed.

      3. Beilsten test (Cu Wire test): The copper wire is heated till red hot; the sample is taken on the red-hot wire and heated in the flame. The color of the fame is then noted.

2.0 Instrumentation methods

    1. FTIR:     Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
    2. GCMS:   Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS)
  • Physical Testing

Rubber material formulations can be greatly affected by a wide range of environmental conditions and physical forces. From adhesives to a variety of rubber compoundsKesarias’ physical testing experts can provide guidance and test data to support your material evaluation needs. Our environmental exposure capabilities include variables such as temperature, humidity & UV Arc chambers to test in the harshest of lab conditions. Physical properties can be studied extensively through a myriad of internationally recognized standard test protocols. While data from any combination of these material property tests can provide you with a good picture of a given material’s expected performance. In addition, Kesarias’ laboratories are able to not only excise samples from most whole products, but our internal small batch mixing and molding capabilities can assist you in providing the most appropriate samples for your testing purpose.

How we check impurities and quality of rubber

  • Density: ASTM D297

The specific gravity of any elastomer is important for its identification and providing an approximate measurement of its physical properties. Rubber density determines the specific gravity of the material and Generally the S.G. of rubber is used in place of density which is measured with respect to water. Specific Gravity is normally abbreviated to SG and is the ratio of the weight of a given substance to the weight of an equal volume of water at a specified temperature. If the Specific Gravity increases from its standardized value then it seems that rubber material has impurities or fillers which will affect material properties.


The most common method of determining the density of a rubber material is to weigh a test piece in air and water. Weighing in air provides the actual weight and weighing in water provides the volume. The density is then calculated by dividing the weight by the volume.

  • Ash content (ASTM D297_Filler Analysis)

The quality of rubber varies widely due to the percentage of ash content into it. Rubber materials having Inorganic impurities like Silica, Zinc Oxide, Clay etc. and high concentration of these impurities or high ash content % may initiate the oxidative degradation of rubber and may affect the quality of the final product. The percentage of these impurities can be found out by an ash content test. This test method is used by the rubber industry to ensure purity of the ingredient as per standard specification.

Lower Ash Content (Virgin Materials/Lower Impurities)Longer service life. Higher durability.Lower after sales services.


Ash % is determined by taking an accurately weighed sample in a properly cleaned porcelain crucible and heating   in a muffle furnace at 550 + / 25 °C for 1 hrs. The crucible is then cooled to room temperature and final weight is taken after getting constant weight. The mass of residue in the crucible represents the Ash Content. The ash content is calculated as per given formula i.e.

Ash content % =   Weight of the ash

                            _________________        x 100

                            Weight of sample taken 

  • Life Prediction & Accelerated Ageing

Life prediction and accelerated aging studies to help you make significant, safe and effective material choices, supported by material analysis for your intended end-use application. Life prediction and accelerated aging can be assessed throughout the product cycle from material evaluation, product development, and material qualification through to prototype design and final product stages. As service conditions become increasingly more demanding there is a need to demonstrate material durability and ensure a material is fit for purpose. Testing materials and products exposed to accelerated high temperature aging enables product service life predictions to be evaluated.

Prediction of expected product life time

Kesaria Rubber Industries helps generate data to drive product improvements. Polymer material performance is dependent on time, temperature, stress and environmental factors which can all be investigated with the following testing:

Electrical (arcing, electrostatic build up, dielectric breakdown)

Mechanical (creep, fatigue, stress relaxation, impact, environmental stress cracking (ESC) and wear)

Thermal (degradation, dimensional stability, fire)

Oxidative (oxygen, ozone and metal catalyst)

Chemical (fluids, gases, water and steam)

Radiation (sunlight, ultraviolet light and atomic radiation)

Biological (microorganisms)